
Welcome to our contacts page! We are dedicated to responding to any queries you have asap! To do this we provide multiple ways to contact us. We advise for more serious requests that you contact us via email but for small issues and bug reports we reccomend you contact us through out discord server for a more direct contact. We strive to achive a fast response time but it is not always possible so we reccomend being paitent with us.



Our discord server contains all of our developers and staff members as well as a large part of our community. If you need more direct help here is the place to ask.

Join the Community!



Our twitter posts updates on our projects whenever we have updates to share with the community, we do NOT respond to major messages on there.

Follow us Here!



You can also contact us by email, remember to include your reason for contacting us in the subject for a faster response! You can contact us at the email below: