We are

Objection Studios

We are a small indie game development studio based in England, first formed by a group of friends on the 17th of January 2022. Many of us have always had a passion for computers and worldbuilding.

At Objection Studios we want to bring the world we have created to you, while we may be a small team of less than 15, we aim high to create and immerse our players in world of rich story and content.

Enter our universe and see a project.

Learn more

Objection Studios started off as a small group of friends in high school who decided to come together through friendship and mututal intrest of and form Objection Studio's, with the goal of combining their skills of programming, modelling, art, and more we hoped to be able to successfully work on our projects together.

We currently set up all our projects in a single universe to make everything interconnected behind the scenes, a universe created over 2 years and counting called Noxia.

While we currently have no released titles behind the scene we still work on aspects of the universe fine tuning and creating new history behind it, in the hope that one day, one of our several ideas will come to fruition for you all to see.

Our universe ranges from the depths of hell to the far reaches of space and everything inbetween including the small Kingdom of Noxia and its royalty, spies, space-wars, and much much more!

Noxian Collection of Artworks

The Team

Our team is made up of a range of fantastic people from Developers and Community Staff to Project Masterminds and Robots! Each one of us have been friends for numerous years allowing us a great enviroment for feedback and cooperation!

Please see our dedicated team page.

Four Upper Noxians

Contact Us

There is several ways you can contact us if needed, some more direct than ofthers. We have listed these below for you to all find.

We are also present on a number of platforms where you can keep up with our projects, including Discord, Youtube, X, and Steam.

Our discord is where you can meet other fans, keep up with our projects, and have a direct contact with us, however for more formal requests and contacts we ask that you send us an email at .

Noxian Depiction of Hell

Home Team Projects Discord Bot Information Rules & Conditions Sitemap

© Copyright Objection Studios Limited 2024

This website was created by Ethan Crew as apart of
Objection Studios and its accompanying Noxia
project. Unauthorized copying, distribution, and/or
use of any of the materials here is not permitted.